Understand Why Digital Marketing Is Important for Your Business

Why Digital Marketing Is Important for Your Business

A staggering 5.3 billion people used the internet globally as of October 2023. That’s making up 65.7% of the world’s population. Also, 4.9 billion people, or 61.4% of the global population, use social media out of this total.

Given these data, it becomes abundantly clear that digital marketing is not merely a trend—digital marketing is important for your business. Moreover, the global market for digital advertising and marketing is expected to reach a monumental $786.2 billion by 2026. 

Additionally, a study of over 2,000 American people between the ages of 18 and 80 revealed that they use social media to decide on a service or product. Consumers, particularly those from Generation Z—are increasingly looking to online communities and social media influencers for advice on what to buy.

Get a broad view of what digital marketing is and why digital marketing is important to grow a business today in this discussion.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the strategic utilization of digital channels and technologies to endorse, sell, or publicize products or services.

Consider content marketing as a prime example—a dynamic approach to creating and disseminating valuable, relevant, and consistent content. This helps you to captivate and retain a target audience. Content marketing includes blog posts, articles, videos, or social media content. Keep in mind the content must be strategically designed to resonate with consumers.

Simply put, if you ever feel like buying something or checking out a service online, it’s likely because of digital marketing. It’s an amazing plan where different tactics work together to persuade people to make choices while they’re using the internet.

Find more about digital marketing examples in the next section.

What Are the Different Types of Digital Marketing?

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

From optimizing search engine rankings to leveraging social media influencers, the digital marketing spectrum offers a diverse toolkit for businesses to resonate with their target audience.

With these strategies, you can enhance brand visibility, engage customers, and drive conversions.

Take a look at the various types of digital marketing below, with distinctive features and examples of each.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

68% of internet experiences start with a search engine. Hence, SEO is a sustainable strategy to improve your website’s visibility on search engines to drive organic (unpaid) traffic.

You can do on-page optimization, keyword research, and build high-quality backlinks to enhance your website’s Google ranking.

Related Topic: Understand the Critical Role of SEO Services

Content Marketing

90% of businesses have a content marketing plan. Through content marketing tactics, you can create and distribute valuable, relevant content. This is to attract and engage a target audience.

For your company, you can publish blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics to educate and entertain your audience while subtly promoting its products or services.

Social Media Marketing

73% of marketers consider social media marketing to be “somewhat effective” or “very effective” for their companies.

By exploiting social media platforms, you can connect with the audience to build brand awareness and drive traffic and sales. 

Therefore, you need to run targeted ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to reach specific demographics and engage with your potential customers

Related Topic: Social Media Marketing Agency

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Display ads or PPC ads have a 200% profitability. PPC is an advertising technique where you (advertisers) need to pay a fee each time their ad is clicked.

Using Google Ads, you can bid on keywords relevant to your business and confirm that your ads pop up at the top of search engine results.

This can help organizations save money by lowering the number of clicks that do not result in conversions.

Email Marketing

According to research, about half of the marketing professionals interviewed reported a double increase in the ROI of their email marketing initiatives. 

By sending personalized emails, you can nurture leads, retain customers, and drive conversions.

You can email a newsletter with product updates, promotions, and valuable content to its subscribers.

Related Topic:  Boost Your Business with Expert Email Marketing Services

Influencer Marketing

As of 2023, the value of the worldwide influencer marketing market has grown incredibly to $21.1 billion.

You can collaborate with significant individuals online to promote your products or services.

If you have a fashion brand, you can partner with a popular Instagram influencer to showcase your clothing line to a wide audience.

11 Times Digital Marketing Is Important for Business

Digital Marketing Is Important
Digital Marketing 

Digitization builds the connection between your brand and customer faster. Assume you are a business owner looking to market your service or product successfully. And this is how you may reap the many benefits of digital marketing:

Access to a Global Audience

Digital marketing empowers you to reach customers globally without the need for upfront personal information.

You can establish a robust online presence on platforms visited by your target audience, transcending geographical constraints.


Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure your website ranks high on Google, making your communication tools easily discoverable by users worldwide.

Targeted Audience Reach

Base your marketing strategies on information gathered from website analytics and customer interactions.

Concentrate on your desired clientele to make material and ads as impactful and relevant as possible.


Identify through analytics which of your communication medium resonates most with tech-savvy individuals. Refine your social media campaigns to specifically target this demographic, ensuring your message reaches those most likely to convert.

Quick Tracking, Monitoring, and Optimization

Although traditional marketing B2B advertising is expected to rise to 19 billion dollars by 2024, it’s losing effectiveness. Moreover, traditional offline advertising is full of uncertainty.

With digital marketing, you can measure the effectiveness of your efforts by utilizing live tracking and monitoring features Throughout a campaign, adjust strategies, and track the return on investment for every project.


Monitor the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising campaign in real time by using web analytics tools. In order to increase engagement and conversion rates, quickly modify the targeting factors.

Interactive Brand Experience

Connect with your audience using a range of online platforms. To build deeper relationships with your clients, consider hosting live streaming and sending customized email newsletters.

A study found that consumers’ purchase intentions, sense of community, interactivity, perceived usefulness, and perceived trust can all be influenced by the social-commerce platforms of live streaming and online consumer reviews.


Carry on a live Q&A session on Instagram, allowing customers to ask questions about your communication tools during the session. This will reinforce the bond between your brand and customers.

Diverse Content Options for Effective Brand Representation

Unlike traditional marketing, where options might be limited, digital platforms provide you flexibility in choosing content formats that resonate with specific target audiences. Note that, in terms of written content types, email newsletters, blog posts, and social media material rank first at 95%.


Utilize a mix of content types to promote your communication tools effectively. Create insightful blog posts explaining the benefits of your service, launch podcasts featuring industry experts, and send out visually appealing emails highlighting product features.

Cross-Platform Repurposing for Maximum Impact

94% of marketers have reused content across many platforms and channels. One of the special benefits of digital marketing is you can repurpose content across multiple platforms. 

A single piece of content can be modified to suit various mediums, reaching a broader audience without the need for extensive re-creation.


Suppose you create an informative whitepaper on the future of communication tools. Repurpose this content into blog posts for your website, extract key points for social media posts, and use visual elements from the whitepaper to create shareable infographics.

Cost-Effective than Outbound Marketing

Compared to traditional marketing, content marketing involves 62% less cost. If you want to run a cost-effective campaign, digital marketing is your solution.

Allocate resources to targeted content marketing strategies, providing measurable results, unlike the uncertainties of cold-calling or billboard ads. 


Instead of investing in costly billboard ads with uncertain reach, allocate resources to a targeted content marketing strategy, creating blog posts and videos that educate and engage your audience.

Switching Marketing Strategy Quickly

In case you need to adapt your strategy, you can do it really fast in digital marketing. You can swiftly shift gears if a particular platform or approach isn’t yielding the desired results. This way, you can maximize the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

It seems fairly challenging to switch your strategies. However, by staying up-to-date, you can do it confidently. So, you can try to get involved with online communities, join webinars, and read industry publications.


If engagement on Twitter declines, reallocate resources to influencer collaborations on Instagram, where your audience could be more active. This showcases the agility of your digital marketing strategies.

Customer Engagement and Retention

You can increase customer retention through personalized content and consistent engagement via various digital channels. For that, you can implement personalized email newsletter campaigns to foster a sense of community and loyalty.

In addition, email marketing is the most successful strategy since it is 56% more effective than any other technique for keeping customers.


Implement a personalized email newsletter campaign, sharing tips, updates, and exclusive offers with your customers regularly, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

Fantastic ROI

Global spending on digital marketing was predicted to reach 616 billion dollars in 2022. This amount is expected to rise sharply in the future years. The most recent estimates indicate that by 2027, global income from digital advertising will exceed one trillion dollars.

Considering that, you can achieve remarkable returns through strategic execution. So, capitalize on high ROI figures associated with digital strategies.


Calculate a high return on investment from your email marketing campaigns, where personalized and targeted content resonates well with your audience, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Competitive Edge

Around 60% of small businesses utilize digital marketing and plan to invest further.

If you are a small business owner, your competitors are making profits while you are confused about running an online ad. So, you need to start investing in digital marketing if you haven’t started yet.

Digital marketing will allow you to compete effectively by strategically allocating your resources. Utilize SEO strategies, consistent social media campaigns, and strong content marketing plans to grow your audience and visibility.


Focus on creating high-quality content aligned with SEO best practices, competing with larger companies in search engine rankings, and ensuring your content is visible to users searching for relevant products, irrespective of budget constraints.

Summing Up the Crucial Role of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is important for your business as it gives businesses the opportunity to navigate customer preferences. The most important advantage is that you can reach a precise audience based on their preference and access an audience without geographical limitations. Fast-tracking, monitoring, and optimization are just a few other benefits. These tasks promote engaging brand experiences, a wide range of content choices, and affordable campaigns.

Ultimately, digital marketing gives businesses of all sizes a competitive edge, which lets them effectively compete and expand their audience and visibility. Since digital marketing is a strategic need, businesses seeking to achieve sustainable development and relevance in the changing marketplace must explore the diverse advantages of digital marketing.

Furthermore, you should seek help from a professional digital marketing service. Shera Digital 360 offers expert digital market service. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, contact us today and reach your customers online.


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Shera Digital 360
Shera Digital 360

Shera Digital 360 has worked with a diverse range of clients, starting from government projects, film promotions, fashion and lifestyle to political press conference events.